
Unexpected Halloween Part 2

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My pale blue eyes opened slightly as bright morning light streamed through my bedroom window. I quickly shut them and blinked a few times to let them adjust to the harsh light. I let out a soft yawn and glanced around sleepily when my eyes finally adjusted. At first I thought nothing of waking up in my bedroom like I usually did, but a thought slipped into my mind. Memories from last night began flooding through my mind and I began to wonder how I had woken in my room since I had no memories even coming home last night after the party. As a matter of fact, I did not even recall the party even ending in the first place.

I began to wonder if maybe what happened at the party had been some horrible twisted dream and that I would wake up to find that the party did not even happen yet. The very thought made a smile tug at my lips. I took a glance over at my alarm clock and saw that it was eight o'clock a.m. on saturday, which meant I could stay home and play some games or something and maybe pay Erica a visit like I usually did on the weekends when either of us weren't busy. A sudden thought slipped into my mind…it being Saturday meant that the party did in fact happen since Halloween was supposed to be on a Friday this year.

I started to sit up but found that it was a bit of a struggle for some reason. I knew for a fact that sitting up had never been this difficult before. As struggled, I became more and more confused as to what was going on. When I finally managed to sit up, I glanced down, and my eyes widened to the point of almost falling from their sockets.

What I found, instead of my usual flat toned stomach, was the large bulge I saw last night. I now knew for a fact that it had not been a dream at all. But what I did know was that I was now fat and there was nothing I could do about it but work it off, if that was even a possibility since I was not exactly sure how magic worked.

I nervously placed my hand against the round bulge that caused my pajama shirt ride up, exposing the very bottom of the soft fleshy dome. I pulled it back almost instantly because I was surprised how soft it had become. I slowly pressed one of my chubby fingers against it and cringed when it sank at least an inch into the soft flab. I pulled up my shirt to reveal that my once flat abdomen was now a ball of soft pale flesh that covered at leased half of my lap when sitting.

I still could not believe any of this was actually real but I knew that there was no use arguing with the fact that it felt so real. I got out of bed with a bit of a struggle and made my way to the bathroom. I was not surprised to find that I was wearing my favorite pair of pajamas but I was a little surprised that they were in a much bigger size that fit my bigger body nicely. When I got the the bathroom, I locked the door behind me, took my pajamas off and quickly began examining myself in the mirror. I looked just like I did when Emily had forced me to look in the mirror last night with my decent sized moobs that rested atop my round belly, my thick soft arms, my tree trunk thighs, my rather round and wide butt and my round face that was accented by a double chin.

Suddenly a thought crossed my mind. Emily hadn't really used the last of her magic to make me skinny again, but to send me home. This meant that this was most likely real since I didn't remember getting home last night.

I was not exactly sure what I was going to tell my mom who would definitely freak out when she would see me like this. I also knew that my younger sister would probably tease me for the rest of my life after she would see me like this.

"Jamie, its time for breakfast!" my mother suddenly called from downstairs, knocking me out of my train of thought.

I knew that I was going to have to face my fears and tell her what happened to me, whether she believed me or not. I made my way out of the bathroom at a slow pace, trying to get used to my thighs rubbing together causing my walk to turn into more of a waddle. I put on a pair of loose sweat pants, a baggy t-shirt and a black hoodie that outlined the shape of my big belly nicely.

Upon arriving in the kitchen, I turned to my mother who had her back to me as she continued to cook something on the frying pan. My mother was a tall slender woman with shoulder length black hair streaked with the occasional strand of grey. She normally had been shorter than me by a few inches but now that the spell had caused me to shrink at least a foot, I was now the one that was shorter.

"Mom, I have something to tell you…please don't freak out okay…" I muttered, fiddling with my hands nervously.

My mother flipped the pancake she was currently cooking, "I'm listening Jamie. Whatever it is, I hope its not something bad you did at the party, you're better than that Jamie," she half-jokingly.

"Well I didn't exactly do anything but something did happen to me…" I said just as my mother put the pancake on a plate where at least a dozen others were stacked and turned to face me.

She raised an eyebrow at me and gave me a confused look, "What happened to you Jamie, I hope you didn't get hurt or anything. I made you some pancakes to go with the rest of your breakfast for my growing boy. I know its a little less than you usually get but I ran out of bacon. I'll be sure to get some when I go to the supermarket later," she said with a soft laugh.

My mother walked right past me and set the pancakes on the table which was filled with a plates piled high with bacon, eggs, sausages and now pancakes.

"Wait what? Don't you notice anything different about me?" I asked in confusion.

"Not really, am I supposed to notice something Jamie?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at me, her tone laced with concern.

I wasn't exactly sure what was going on until what Emily said last night about altering my reality began echoing through my mind. This had to mean that everyone around me thought I had always looked this way. I had no choice but to go with it so I would not raise my mother's suspicions. After breakfast I planned to see if there was some way to reverse this, but I highly doubted there was. I was not even sure if I would even see Emily again.

I looked up at my mom and realized that she was waiting for an answer from me, "No, I was just kidding," I muttered with a soft laugh, trying to make it sound like I was joking.

I walked over to the table I had a seat in front of the enormous portion on the table, not noticing that my ten year old sister Kayla was sitting at the table. She was wearing a t-shirt and shorts like she usually did on saturday mornings and her long black hair was pulled up into its usual ponytail.

She looked just like she would on any other day and so did my mom, so I began to wonder exactly how Emily had altered my past, however the thought quickly drifted from my mind when the intoxicating aroma of the breakfast food before me filled my nostrils.

Without thinking I took the silver fork into my meaty hand and began shoving the delectable breakfast food into my mouth. The food was absolutely amazing, much better than the oat meal and brand cereal I used to eat for breakfast. After about half an hour of eating, I put my fork back on the plate to get some more food, but the metal met the ceramic surface of the dish with a clank. I looked down the find my plate, along with the others, were completely empty. I was not sure what had come over me and I also could not believe that I had actually just finished off all of the food which was probably enough to feed all three of us. I took a quick glance at my sister who didn't seem fazed in the slightest. Maybe this is how I usually was in this new reality.

Kayla was currently just nibbling on some toast and reading a book, "Good morning Kayla, how's your book going?" I asked, trying to start a small conversation with my sister so she would not think I was ignoring her.

"Good morning Jaimie and its pretty good…" she admitted without looking up from her book that once had been mine.

I leaned back in my chair and could not help but notice that I was a little stuffed. I placed my hand against my belly to find that it was not as soft as it had been, but instead it was harder from all the food I had eaten.

"Wow, somebody was hungry as usual," my mother said with a soft laugh, taking the plates up and putting them into the sink to be washed for later use.

"Yeah…" I said, not really knowing what else to say in response, "Well I'm going outside for a bit to uh…check the mail mom."

My mom looked at me with a confused expression on her face, "Get the mail? You usually just lock yourself in your room on saturdays and play video games…but alright, just try not to come in looking like you just ran a marathon again because its only a couple of yards… you can do it Jaimie, its not that far away…" she said jokingly, rolling her eyes at me.

"Ha ha, very funny mom," I muttered, rolling my eyes back at her.

I got up out of my chair with a bit of a struggle and began waddling towards the front door. When I got outside I let the chilly October morning air surround my soft body and I let out a sigh in pleasure. The journey down the driveway was a little more tiring than I remembered but I knew it was because of this added weight. I started to wonder how much weight I had actually gained and I figured I would check the scale later if I could even read the numbers with this big belly in the way.

Just as I was about to open the mailbox with my chubby hand, I spotted a brown haired girl taking out the trash in front of a house down the street. I could not help but notice that she looked rather familiar, but I could not remember why though. Then it hit me. That snow white skin, those practically glowing lavender eyes that I could see from all the way over here. The first thought that came to mind was Emily.

Without hesitation I waddled down the side walk as fast as I could, which was not very fast at all, trying to catch her before she went back inside. I was not even half way to her house and I started feeling like I was out of breath. Now I knew what my mom meant by coming back inside looking like I just ran a marathon. Even at this slow pace I felt like I was running one with all of this extra fat on my body.

I was not sure whether it was the sound of my heavy foot steps or my heavy breathing that got her attention, but she turned her head in my direction. I watched as her pale pink lips curled up into a devious smirk and her lavender eyes lit up.

"If it isn't my fatty from last night," she said with a laugh, "looking good! I'm surprise you haven't keeled over from walking so much with all that weight."

"Damn you! I though you said you'd use the last of your magic to turn me back to my original size?!" I practically shouted in between heavy breaths as soon as I reached her, struggling to catch my breath.

"Yeah but what fun would that be. I figured it would be more fun if I sent you to bed so you could wake up and freak out over you new weight," the brown haired girl giggled, looking down at me since she was now a little taller than me.

"So I'm really stuck like this until next halloween? Unless…you lied to me and you actually have access to your powers right now," I muttered a bit irritated, clenching my pudgy fits.

"No, I was actually telling the truth about that. I get full access to my powers next halloween and I get to use them year round because it'll be my eighteenth birthday," Emily admitted with a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Emily, what's taking so long? You still have to go unpack your room!" called a deep male voice that had a hint of a British accent laced in it, from inside the house.

"Nothing dad, I'll be right there!" she called back a bit annoyed, then turned to face me once again.

"That was your dad? Does he do magic too?" I asked curiously, trying to think of a plan to get me back to normal.

"Yeah…why?" she asked but then her eyes widened, "No wait…don't even think about it!"

But it was too late, I was already waddling towards her house, which looked like a typical suburban house. Emily grabbed one my thick flabby arms with both of her thin hands and tried to pull me back, but the added weight had made me little stronger than before.

Suddenly the front door opened to reveal a tall man wearing a black business suit and had shoulder length chocolate brown hair and bright lavender eyes like Emily's, "Emily, what's going…" he started to say but he stopped mid-sentence when he looked down and saw me, "Uh Emily...who's this?" he asked, raising a perfectly trimmed eyebrow.

"Uh this is my new friend Jaimie. I met him at the Halloween party," Emily said with a smile before nudging my soft side with her elbow.

"You look kind of familiar, kind of like that kid I saw walking to the party while I was unloading some boxes, but you couldn't be him because he was as thin as a rail. No offense but you're not exactly thin…" the man admitted with a soft chuckle.

"Well actually that was me believe it or not. I was skinny before but your daughter…" I started to say but Emily clamped her thin pale hand over my mouth.

"Emily, what do you think you're doing, please let the young man finish," her father said sternly, his lavender eyes fixed on his daughter with a piercing glare.

Emily nodded and released her hand from my mouth with an look of irritation in her eyes.

"Sorry about that, now please continue," he said, "you started to mention my daughter…"

"Yes, well actually, believe it or not, she did this to me. She made me gain all this weight and she even altered my reality so that everyone thinks that I always looked like this," I explained.

The man shot Emily a quick almost demonic glare and then turned to me, "You know, I don't find that hard to believe. She does this sort of thing every Halloween," he admitted and then he turned to Emily, his eyes practically burning with anger, "Dammit Emily, what have I told you about using your magic on people?! You know humans aren't supposed to know about us. Do you want us to have to move again, because you know I will do it, and this time it'll be to the arctic tundra!" he shouted furiously, which made both of us cringe a little.

I now knew that Emily's father was not someone that you wanted to get angry.

"But…But dad, I'm sorry. You know I can't resist doing magic on people on Halloween. I mean it's the only day of the year I can actually do magic!" she cried, bawling her fists like an upset child.

"Sorry about that, please come in young man, I'll see if I can reverse the spell," her father said before turning and leading us into the house, "I knew I shouldn't have let her go to that party…" he muttered.

I felt Emily's sharp elbow painfully nudge my soft side once again, "What the hell did you do that for?" she asked, her lavender eyes glaring into mine like purple daggers.

"Well its not like I want to me stuck like this forever…" I snapped back but stopped talking as soon as we entered the house.

My pale blue eyes widened a bit when they saw the interior of the house. Instead of looking like your typical suburban household, the inside looked more like an old fashioned manor. Black steel candelabras accented with lit candles lined the walls and ornate old fashioned furniture filled the room. Victorian style paintings of women in beautiful ball gowns and gothic landscapes were hanging on the walls which were covered with an ornate dark purple wallpaper.

"Wow, this is a very nice house," I admitted to myself, continuing to look around just as a tall thin woman with long brown hair like Emily's, entered the room with a confused but curious look in her bright lavender eyes.

"Argos, who's this…did Emily make a friend already?" she asked, her voice accented with a hint of a british accent as well, her look of confusion starting to transform into a smile.

"Actually Lyra, Emily used her magic on this boy and made look him the way he is now and altered his reality so that everyone thinks that has looked always this way. I saw him yesterday looking about as thin as Emily, if not thinner," he admitted and her mother's expression quickly sank into a disappointed frown.

"Emily…what have we told you?!" the woman practically screamed, "Must you always use your magic and reveal yourself in every city we go to? And you wonder why we can't trust you with your full powers yet…"

Her mother then turned to me, her expression frantic, "I'm so sorry that you had to deal with that…what's your name?" she asked.

"Jaimie," I said to her.

"Oh okay, well I'm very sorry Jaimie…I'm guessing you did not know about magic before since you do seem pretty human, but then again looks can be deceiving sometimes," the woman admitted with a nervous laugh.

"Well I'm pretty sure that I'm human, I would hope so anyway…" I muttered.

Her mother turned to Emily's father with a hint of nervousness in her eyes, "Should we make him lose his memory of this Argos, we wouldn't want him telling people about his experiences now would we?"

"I won't tell anyone about this…I promise…" I admitted truthfully, "but can you please change me back, I don't want to be like this forever…"

"Alright but if you tell a single soul I will have to punish you with a spell and I promise you, it will be far worse than the current one you are under…that is the way it works in our laws…" her father warned, glaring at me sternly.

"I-I understand…you have my word sir..." I muttered nervously.

"Alright then I'll go whip up an antidote…and you are grounded missy…" he said before walking through a doorway, leaving me in the living room with Emily's mother and Emily.

Her mother turned to me, her lavender eyes looking into my icy blue ones with a look of sincerity and apology, "I'm Lyra but you can call me Mrs. Nightshade. Please feel free to have a seat in the living room and I can make you a snack if you'd like," she said to me with a kind smile on her face.

Before I could say anything, she was gone. I was a little nervous to be in a house full of people who did magic and could turn me into something or kill me with their powers at any moment, but I did what Mrs. Nightshade said and took a seat on the love seat in their living room. I looked over to my left to see that I took up almost all of the room on the couch. God I was fat. I looked down at my belly that almost covered most of my lap with a sigh and then glanced to my right again. I nearly jumped when I saw Emily sitting beside me. I hadn't even heard her sit down or as a matter of fact, walk over to me. She looked over at me with an unreadable expression on her pale face and I just sat there staring at her blankly.

"Why did you do this to me?" I demanded with a whisper in case her parents or anyone else that might have been in her house could hear.

"I did it for a few reasons actually, most of them for my own pleasure but one for your benefit as a matter of fact," she admitted, a slightly playful smile tugging at her lips.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked a bit confused, "How cold you making me fat be beneficial to me in anyway?!"

"Well, one of the reasons I did it…was to save your life…" she muttered, looking away from me.

"Wait what?!" I said, an expression of utter shock on my round face, but before she could answer, her father walked back into the room carrying a small vial full of a strange blue liquid that looked a lot like blue raspberry Kool-aid.

"Here you are young Jaimie, I made you the antidote…hopefully it cures you," the man said, handing it to me.

I looked at the vial with feeling of nervousness washing over me but accepted it anyway. I held the small vial inches away from my lips feeling the sour smell stinging my nostrils. For a few moments I debated whether or not I should drink it, but when I saw the look Emily's father was giving me, I quickly pressed the lip of the small vial against my plump lips and let the cool blue liquid flow down my throat.

I waited a few moments but nothing happened. My blue eyes kept glancing down at my plump body to see if it was shrinking but it was doing no such thing.

"So, when is it supposed to take affect?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Actually, it should have taken affect instantly…unless. Emily, you didn't use a curse on him did you?" he demanded but she sat there in silence staring down at her feet.

"Answer me Emily or I'll make you answer me…" he warned, raising one of his hands that had a few blue sparks emitting from his fingertips.

Emily continued to sit there in silence for a few moments more but she finally decided to speak up after her father kept threatening her, "Alright fine, I did use a curse I admit it…" she muttered through clenched teeth.

Her father simply nodded, his long brown hair moving along with his head, "Well it looks like you'll be stuck like this for a while Jamie. I'm sorry but the way it works is that if a curse is put on you, only the witch or warlock that casts it on you can remove it. Since Emily won't get use of her powers again until next halloween, I guess you'll have to be stuck like this…I really am sorry about this Jaimie…" he admitted in a tone that sounded surprisingly sincere and sympathetic.

I could not believe what I was hearing. I was actually going to have to be stuck like this for a whole year. At least I would not have to explain to people why I suddenly gained so much weight and and why I shrank about a foot. I was speechless, but thankfully her mother came in with a tray full of what appeared to be cheese cubes.

"I'm really sorry to hear that Jaimie, I really wish there was something we could do to make up for our daughter's actions…" her mother said, sounding like she had been listening to the entire conversation.

"Its…okay…" I managed to say.

"No it most certainly is not, Emily consider yourself grounded for the next year and you are not allowed to take your driving test…" her father said sternly.

"But Dad…"

"No but's Emily, next time think twice before you do magic," he said before taking the empty vial from my hand and leaving the room.

Emily's mother left the room as well and after a few moments of silence Emily spoke up, "I know you probably hate me right now but I need to talk to you and explain myself. After my explanation you can hate me as much as you want and never talk to me again but I just want you to hear my reason behind this…"

"Fine, go ahead then, explain…" I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Not here, come with me to my room so we can talk in private," she said, standing up from her spot on the couch.

She reached over to the coffee table where her mother had set the tray full of cheese cubes and grabbed the tray. Emily then made her way down the hall and up a set of spiraling stairs. I had no choice but to follow her, so I waddled after her struggling to keep up. Going up the stairs was probably the most tiring part of the trip to her room since I was still not used to carrying so much extra weight on my body.

When I got there, my pale blue eyes widened in amazement at her room. The walls were covered in posters of various rock bands, the walls were painted a deep violet with black trimmings on the bottoms and tops of the walls, her bed set like a few other things in the room were Nightmare Before Christmas themed and the windows were covered in thick black curtains which made the room pretty dark except for a couple of lava lamps and regular lamps in the room.

"I have to admit that you have a pretty impressive room," I admitted, still looking around in awe.

"Thanks, I figured you would probably like it because of the emo look you have to you," she said with a soft laugh, setting the tray on a small table in the room.

I frowned. I had gotten called emo in middle and high school so many times because of my black colored hair and the black clothes I usually wore. But it wasn't like I wore eyeliner or gauges. I did like emo themed things but I did not particularly like being called one.

"So, you wanted to give me your reason as to why you did this…" I started to say.

"Oh yes. You make yourself comfortable," she said, gesturing to the black bean bag chair beside the table, "and help yourself to some of the food. Don't worry its not cursed or anything since you know, I don't have my powers at the moment…"

I shrugged and sat down in the soft chair, which barely contained my wide butt, and before long I was stuffing my face with cheese cubes her mom brought me since this new added weight made me practically crave food even though I had just eaten a big breakfast.

"Isn't that cute?" she said with a laugh.

I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment and stopped eating.

"What? I was only telling you the truth. So would you like to hear why I did this to you?" Emily asked, taking a seat in the bean bag chair beside mine.

One of her slender pale hands moved towards me and pressed itself against my soft belly. I tried to ignore it and simply nodded.

"Alright…well you see, most of it was because I thought someone with a pillow in their shirt as their costume was the perfect opportunity. It's mainly because, like I said before, I'm attracted to bigger guys because I think they're absolutely adorable," she admitted, giving my soft belly a squeeze for effect, "the other reason was…you see, it probably will be a little hard for you to believe but, it was because out of everyone in the had the shortest time left to live…"

At this my blue eyes widened, not sure if she was telling the truth or not, "Wait what? What do you mean by that?" I asked a bit confused.

"You see, I looked into your future to see for myself and I found out that without me being at the party, the following would have happened: You would have been standing there alone on the edge of the dance floor and you would have seen Erica dancing with her crush. Well her crush's hand would occasionally go lower than it was supposed to even after she would tell him to stop. He would start touching her in the wrong places and kissing her in ways she was not ready for mainly because he was a little drunk. You would see this and go stand up for her but the guy would end up beating you senseless. The whole crowd would laugh at you. Erica would feel bad so she would end the party and help you get home. Over the past few days you would begin to realize that you actually had feelings for Erica and decided you would have to tell her. You figured she would return the feeling and you two would be together, but when you would get to her house that day, she would laugh at you when you would admit your true feelings and then her crush walks over to her. He would ask what's going on and she would say that its nothing. So they go back to kissing passionately before she closes the door. Your heart would be practically shattered and you decide that there is nothing left for you. So when would get home to your room, you took a knife and started cutting your wrist, but as soon as you decided that you were not ready to end your life, the phone rang and your hand slips and the knife plunges deeply into your artery…."

I stared at her with wide eyes, after she finished her unbelievably real-sounding story. I could not possibly believe that this is what would have happened if this girl had not made me fat, but I replayed the scenario in my head and had to admit that the things that happened sounded a lot like things that I would have probably done.

I was still in shock but I managed to say, "S-So w-why make me fat?"

Emily moved her hand from my soft midsection and met my wide icy blue eyes with her lavender ones, "Well in this reality I made it so that this already happened but instead of cutting yourself, you turned to food and ate your feelings away, causing you to gain a lot of weight. You see, your mother spoiled you since you had been the only child for so long and let you have whatever you wanted. Which is why you were naturally kind of chubby, but she learned her lesson by her second child, which is why your sister is still skinny," she explained, "and Erica doesn't hate you, she still just thinks of you as a friend if you were wondering. I know you still probably hate me for doing this but in a way…I saved your life…"

I still could not believe this what happening but somehow I found myself believing her story. Now I knew the truth behind the girl whom I hated just minutes ago for what I thought was ruining my life, but in reality, I owed my life to her.

Without giving me the chance to thank her, she spoke up, "Wow, you must have been hungrier than I thought, would you like some more?"

I looked down at the tray that had one been over filled with cheese cubes, was now completely barren. Before I could even answer her, she stood up.

"I'll be right back," Emily said, before dashing out the door.

She came back a couple of minutes later with a huge chocolate cake in her hands, "Here you are," she said, setting it down on the small table in front of me.

I was going to politely decline, but the more I stared at the delicious looking desert, the hungrier I became. So I took the knife she brought with the cake and cut myself a slice. After placing it on the plate she handed me, I began eating it the incredible tasting delicacy before me. Maybe being fat wouldn't be so bad. After all, it had in a way saved my life...
Well here it is, the long awaited sequel to Unexpected Halloween. Don't worry, I don't think this will be the last part because I still want to do a couple of things with it. Also I will try to have the continuations of my other stories up soon as well. I hope you enjoy. Please tell me what you think, I know its probably not as good as the last part.
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Roxas-Kun2's avatar

Do we get a Part 3 for this years Halloween pls? :)